urban creature: Unsolicited faxes #2

Saturday, February 19, 2005
Unsolicited faxes #2
They're coming in thick and fast and, frankly, I don't have enough spare time at work right now to list all these parasites on here. However, on Friday I received one notable fax from:

Pender Communications Ltd
5-B Wyndham Crescent

Personally I don't know about the general intelligence of admin staff these days but I gather we're not completely stupid. The fax says:

"We want to send you our promotional faxes but only if you want to receive them... mark the NO box for instant removal of your fax number from our database... mark the YES box and add any additional fax numbers on which you wish to receive our promotions and special offers."

And here is the clincher... "Please fax back to: 1902 266 028... [small text] the cost of sending this fax is $5.45/min"

Only an idiot would tick the NO box and run up their boss's phone bill at $5.45 a minute!

These parasites are already wallowing around the bottom of the barrel of human decency by sending out unsolicited faxes like these in the first place but now they've hit a new low... they're the maggots feeding on the faeces of the parasites (no offence to maggots).

To their credit, however, is in small text down the bottom "To be removed from the fax distribution list please fax your number to 1300 558 851." Still, the cost of a local call is frankly too higher price to pay to be removed from a distribution list that I DIDN'T SIGN UP TO IN THE FIRST PLACE.

As with before, I look forward to hearing from those who have googled the company's name and come across my blog.

  Scribbled by urban creature @ 10:46 am - [Permanent Link]

At 1:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Aaron,

Try submitting that 1300 number to the Telecommunications Ombudsman (I'm pretty sure thats the right office). Sending spam faxes is ILLEGAL and they should be able to nail the bastards..


At 2:14 pm, Blogger urban creature said...

Hi Chris,

You wouldn't happen to know under which Act fax spam is banned? And which jurisdiction - federal or state or both?

Another avenue would be your state or territory consumer commission.

At 3:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, IANAL - I just vaguely remember reading that somewhere and presented it here as gospel fact :)



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