urban creature: Unsolicited faxes

Friday, December 10, 2004
Unsolicited faxes
Unsolicited faxes are incredibly annoying. And today, when thinking about telling the people who sent me something about a "3 day diet" this via a return fax, I found that they don't actually list their fax number. They don't even have a listing in the white pages.

And while their ARBN is legit, there seems no way to be able to contact these creaps - besides snail mail. I wonder why?

So in my frustration I wrote an email to a business on the same floor as them and asked them to pass it on (or at least pass on their fax number to me). I have yet to hear back from them.

Any company that sends me unsolicited faxes at work shall have their name listed here on my blog for the world to see and to shame. And if I'm lucky, after a bit of investigation I might even publish their fax and phone numbers.

Today's fax was brought to you by...

Insiders Australia Ltd
19/207 Kent Street, Sydney 2000
ARBN 107 406 388

If anyone knows their fax or phone numbers please let me know.

  Scribbled by urban creature @ 7:44 pm - [Permanent Link]

At 2:01 pm, Blogger urban creature said...

I'm now glad I didn't end up ringing their number to be taken off their "list".

I just typed in "Insiders Australia Ltd" into Google and the only entry that came up was my blog article about them. So I expect I will be getting many more comments in here about these "people".

Please let me know about any other unsolicited faxes you've been getting from them - and other people too.

At 2:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should report them to the telecommunications ombudsman (in Aus and NZ respectively).

Even if it might be legal to send junk faxes, it is unlikely to be legal to not supply a return telephone/fax number.

See here for other interesting advice: http://www.crikey.com.au/whistleblower/2003/03/28-junkfaxes.html


At 12:13 pm, Blogger urban creature said...

I just received another fax from these "people" about their "wonderful" "3-day" "diet".

Time to start a facsimile liberation army I think.

At 12:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been receiving from these bastards as well. I've written a complaint to the Telecommunication Ombudsman. This is the link you want to lodge one as well: http://www.tio.com.au/make_a_complaint.htm

At 11:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just googled these bastards too and found your blog.

If you have one of those faxes handy, at the bottom is written:
1900 service bureau inpho interactive.

I just searched white pages.com.au and got the following:

Inpho InterActive

28 Bowden St Alexandria 2015
(02) 9318 4900

website: http://www.inpho.com.au/

+61 2 9699 6662

i am going to sticky tape 2 pages of flat black and hit send and leave it for an hour or 2

At 11:37 am, Blogger urban creature said...

I think Inpho simply provide the 1900 service that Insiders Australia uses.

While they are certainly guilty by association in providing such a service to a group of corporate f***wits, they shouldn't be targeted and harassed.

It would be more beneficial to call them and somehow get Insiders Australia's fax/phone number, so retaliation can be better directed.

At 10:34 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

an update:

i faxed inpho with the "3-day diet" fax with "please stop sending this to me - i am thin enough as it is" scribbled on it.

today i recieved a return fax from them saying that they had forwarded my details to Insiders Australia to be removed from their fax list. It also states that if i recieve further faxes from them that i should get back in touch with inpho for further action to be taken.

I am surprised with this positive response. Good on Inpho interactive (if this actually works - only time will tell)


At 11:43 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's now a 4-Day Diet!!! #@$%^&

Found this info in ASIC:

Extracted from ASIC's database at 11:36:47 on 04/02/2005
ARBN 107 406 388

Type Foreign Company (Overseas)
Registration Date 16/12/2003
Next Review Date Unknown
Status Registered
Locality of Registered Office Sydney NSW 2000
Jurisdiction Australian Securities & Investments Commission

Still no number or fax to dial.

At 1:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Peter M in Perth

I too am sick of the creatures in Insiders Australia. I phoned Telstra to compain and a helpful chappie looked up their phone number for me, using the address for the search.

Try: 03 9318 4900 Insiders Australia Travel.

Now we just need a fax number.....


At 2:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Further info on Insiders Australia

I phoned the number kindly provided by Telstra, and explained to the person [Amanda] at the other end that I really wanted to do some fax marketing for a product.


Also then looking at the inpho.com.au site you get details of the company and the same phone number given by Telstra, as well as the fax number 02 9699 6662

Good luck


At 8:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I spoke to InPho Interactive and was told that they had identified a technical problem that had prevented New Zealand numbers from being deleted over the past few months.
Apparently they are fixing the problem and it should be working by Monday 22nd March. I'll sure be giving it a try and then we shall see what happens...

At 11:26 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At last, an outlet for my frustrations.
I have left 2 messages to remove from their fax list but being typical yellow belly probably Nigerians, they don't give a f**** continental.
Another one in NZ is from Denning Business Sytems - same results and they are presenting themselves as quality business people.!!

At 9:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have tried more than once to be removed , I am fortunate in having more thanone phone line with no caller id dispayed. I ring the 0800283998 number I then type in a 20 or there abouts seeries of number, the voice goes through and tell you its not a valid number, you leave the message going for as long as you can I leave mine overnight. bit of luck when it startrs costing them a fortune in 0800 calls they may start taking note.

At 9:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

never mind the ombudsman...go and visit these freakin' bludgers at their office with a sledge hammer, that's what I say

At 10:26 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The company I work for received one of these faxes this morning. Detox over a weekend, all the goods.. Seems Insiders Australia Ltd are now at 28 Bowden St Alexandria.

At 10:17 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have had similar problems with these detox things too. No amount of faxing will remove my address or calling the 1300 number. Try the inPho web site or if you are in Sydney go there.
While I am on this site does anyomne else get constant calls from Indians trying to sell them telecommunications products? I get about 2 a week and cannot get them to give me a phone number or their supervisor. They are linked to "call australia", who again like Insiders Australia cannot be contacted.



At 10:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get these faxes also (NZ).. I wrote a computer program that continuously dials their 0800 numbers and puts in numbers in their fake "to be removed list".. I feel better.. for what good it will do..

At 12:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gathered information... If for no other reason than to provide fodder for spamcrawlers...

Managing Director: Bhaskar Eswaran - bhaskar@inpho.com.au

Systems Manager: John Spence - john@inpho.com.au

Business Development Manager: Tony Bakusic - tony@inpho.com.au

Business Development Manager: Kate Phair - kate@inpho.com.au

Marketing Manager: Suki Scade -suki@inpho.com.au

Account Executive: Amanda Woodley - amanda@inpho.com.au

Account Executive: Ashley Padgen - ashley@inpho.com.au

'Phone: 02-9318-4900
Fax: 02-9699-6662

Level 1,
28 Bowden Street
Alexandria NSW 2015

Postal address:
PO Box 47
Alexandria NSW 2015

Visiontek Pty. Ltd. trading as Inpho Interactive
ACN 071 988 835
ABN 52 071 988 835

At 9:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My business fax is directed to home so I get these Detox things at 7am!! I've tried removing my fax number - what a waste of time. I thought unsolicited faxes were illegal now. I'm going to complain to ASIC or someone - it won't do any good but at least I'll feel better.

At 11:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey nice, it starts out as a simple winge and turns into a racial bash of Nigerians and Indians. Very intellegent comments guys, you're doing yourselves proud!

At 10:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard of a spammer in the states that wouldn't give up so in retaliation the spamees signed him up for everything they could find, he ended up getting about 20kg of physical mail each day. would this work for a company address?


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