urban creature: Have your photo taken with Billy

Sunday, February 06, 2005
Have your photo taken with Billy

Since no-one seems to read the side bar, I thought I'd advertise Billy's availability for photos taken with his many and adoring fans.

The exercise is simple - take a photo of yourself leaving enough room for Billy to be inserted and email it to me. You can make it look like you're hugging him, shaking his hand, whatever. However, what Billy is doing and what he is wearing will ultimately be up to me to decide. If possible, I'll try to make it humourous.

Preferably the photo should include your face and be of decent quality (i.e. no grainy webcam or camera phone shots). The photo should be of you and/or people that you know (with their permission of course). I will then post the image on my site and send you an email about it.

The first person to send in their photo will get an extra special prize from Billy.

  Scribbled by urban creature @ 4:25 pm - [Permanent Link]

At 4:57 pm, Blogger urban creature said...


You know what I look like anyway. Have a look on your MSN list.



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Would you like your photo taken with Billy? Simply email me a photo of yourself (leaving enough room for Billy to be inserted). You can make it look like you're hugging him, shaking his hand, whatever. However, what Billy is doing and what he is wearing will ultimately be up to me to decide.
Send your pics in today!

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