urban creature: The Sexiest RWDB Awards

Saturday, January 15, 2005
The Sexiest RWDB Awards
Do you know any sexy male RWDB? If you do, nominate them for the Inaugural Sexiest Right-wing Death Beast Award!

Simply email me (aaronhewett [at] myrealbox.com) with a recent photo of them (including their face) and a link to their right-wing blog or anything they've written that would, in my opinion, be considered right-wing. Then I will post their picture up on my blog and people can cast their votes.

If you wish, you can nominate yourself. I won't think any less of you. You may also send in naked photos but the naughty bits will be edited out. And, by the way, please don't send in fake pics. We can all tell if the guy in the photo is a professional model or porn star, as opposed to a professional wanker.

My rationale behind this award is simple - I have met some drop-dead gorgeous men in my time, who I've striked up a conversation with and found out that they're complete right-wing tossers. This is a chance to celebrate the only thing these men have to offer left-wing people like me: eye candy.

So come on, nominate those sexy male RWDB's! You can even do it out of spite.

Feel free to cut and paste this logo (and link) onto your blog.

UPDATE: The first entrant (Hamish J) has been nominated and I have set up list on the sidebar for the entrants. If you're a right-wing bastard and you think you're way sexier than Hamish, enter the competition today!

  Scribbled by urban creature @ 2:49 pm - [Permanent Link]

At 5:44 pm, Blogger JP said...

Not much of a competition right now, I think Hamish & I could tie for ugliest right wingers right now.

At 4:34 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


See the photos on these pages.

At 5:44 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff G. Yummy!

At 9:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out the lunchbox on this one:

Because of, not in spite of, stupid!

Here's his website: Let's roll!


At 2:14 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Not sure Vividblurry counts as right-wing, but he is cute. And he has posted some right-wing comments such as the post below.


At 5:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm nominating square-jawed occker, Yobbo. You can't get much better than him.

At 12:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's roll!

A complete right-wing tosser

At 1:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a guy in Melbourne (Alan Anderson) - can't find a photo of him right now but have seen one and he looked pretty cute!

At 3:45 am, Blogger me said...

Josh at Conjecturer:


At 10:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

>There is a guy in Melbourne (Alan Anderson) - can't find a photo of him right now but have seen one and he looked pretty cute!



At 10:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about Tim Blair? Photo at


If this link doesn't work, just go to The Bulletin, go to Columns, go to The Continuing Crisis, and click on any of the columns, which all have a photo.

Tim's site:

At 8:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


* Alan Anderson (link and photo mentioned in comments)
* Stephen Green (www.vodkapundit.com)
* Trey Givens (www.treygivens.com)

At 11:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the love of god, please link to Alan Ando's photo! He's the obvious winner - they don't make 'em much hotter...

At 2:37 pm, Blogger urban creature said...

I've actually ceased the Sexiest RWDB Awards - which is why it has been removed from my sidebar.

Feel free to take the idea and the graphic and run it on your own blog though.


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