Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Billy becomes an Australia Day cliche

In his defence, it was damn hot in Melbourne today.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Silly Righties
There is a lesson in this for everything. I think. Next time you get an email from some blogger, telling you that you've been nominated for, say something like the Sexiest RWDB Awards, and asking for your permission to use your name and photo on their blog as part of these said awards, it may be helpful to actually read the provided linked posting about the awards, and possibly even other posts that appear on the said blogger's blog.
A nominee, who will remain nameless, emailed me today asking to revoke his permission to be nominated for these (prestigious?) awards because, and I quote, "I don't think it's appropriate to have my name posted with a photo on a site promoting homosexuality."
So just in case other righties out there aren't clear about this blog...
I'm a lefty. Full-blown, softo, pinko, vego, bleeding-heart, pro-choice, refugee-loving, Howard-Bush-hating poofter.
If you have a problem having your name and/or image in anyway associated with this blog, please let me know.
And, by the way, I don't mind it at all if righties put my name or image (if you can find one) on their blogs. While I still hate everything you stand for, I know that no-one in their right mind would ever confuse me with being a conservative, narrow-minded twat.
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Billy goes to Midsumma

Billy joins a cast of thousands at Federation Square last night for the opening of the Midsumma festival. It's simply the best time of year to be queer in Melbourne.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Pratt on debt
An interesting article in The Age today by Richard Pratt urging governments to spend more and even go into debt.
Good idea, comrade.
Saturday, January 15, 2005
The Sexiest RWDB Awards
Do you know any sexy male RWDB? If you do, nominate them for the Inaugural Sexiest Right-wing Death Beast Award!
Simply email me (aaronhewett [at] with a recent photo of them (including their face) and a link to their right-wing blog or anything they've written that would, in my opinion, be considered right-wing. Then I will post their picture up on my blog and people can cast their votes.
If you wish, you can nominate yourself. I won't think any less of you. You may also send in naked photos but the naughty bits will be edited out. And, by the way, please don't send in fake pics. We can all tell if the guy in the photo is a professional model or porn star, as opposed to a professional wanker.
My rationale behind this award is simple - I have met some drop-dead gorgeous men in my time, who I've striked up a conversation with and found out that they're complete right-wing tossers. This is a chance to celebrate the only thing these men have to offer left-wing people like me: eye candy.
So come on, nominate those sexy male RWDB's! You can even do it out of spite.
Feel free to cut and paste this logo (and link) onto your blog.
UPDATE: The first entrant (Hamish J) has been nominated and I have set up list on the sidebar for the entrants. If you're a right-wing bastard and you think you're way sexier than Hamish, enter the competition today!
Last night I went along to the Grogblogging event and was surrounded by heaps of people (wearing nametags) who make up the Melbourne blogosphere.
I was great to meet up with bloggers in person and the venue was nice, although a little loud. Considering that bloggers tend to like the sound of their own voice (I know I do), a quieter venue next time may be beneficial.
I managed to meet Agent Fare Evader, Ms Fits, Evan, Chris Fryer, and had interesting discussions with some guy who is involved in Labor Left (can't remember his name, sorry). Also bumped into Brent (who I know from the Democrats). There were heaps of other people there too but because of a combination of drunkeness and poor lighting, I couldn't read their nametags so didn't end up meeting them or remembering them.
I didn't stay long as I promised a friend I'd meet up with her for drinks to help celebrate her 18th birthday. Speaking of which, I think I drank too much last night because it's currently 2pm and the seediness still hasn't worn off.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Billy offers me his protection

Upon hearing of my mugging, Billy offers his security services.
Saturday, January 08, 2005
The end of innocence
On Friday night as I walked away from a Perth train station - on my way to a local gay venue - I was mugged. There were four of them and luckily for me their only weapons were their fists. However, there is a bruised lip that doesn't think itself lucky.
At first I thought they were joking - until of course a couple of punches landed on my face and I found myself on the ground, with one of them removing my watch and bracelet and the others rummaging through my pockets.
They were kind of nice about it - relatively speaking - since they gave back my wallet (at my request) after removing the cash and they returned my mobile phone. While I was walking away they gave me back $10 (presumably so I could get home). As the first - and hopefully the last - time that I've been mugged it was also relatively tame.
With all the walking around alone at night that I do, I'm a little surprised that it didn't happen sooner.
This, however, is the end of innocence. The end of (naively) feeling safe wherever I go, at whatever time it is. I can no longer claim that "it won't happen to me" because, quite clearly, it can and it did. I shed a few tears today at this realisation and the realisation that I will be watching my back for years to come.
And, if you're wondering, I did report the incident to the police and I did end up going out. A mugging is one thing, letting it ruin your night is another.
UPDATE: Here is a picture of the watch and the bracelet that they stole. They have more personal value to me than material value. If you see them, please let me know.