urban creature: StupidMatch.com

Saturday, August 21, 2004
Inspired by Jerome's review of conservativematch.com, I've decided to create a website for other people who aren't catered for well on internet dating sites... stupid people.

Are you sick of not understanding what your dating is going on about? Do you get confused by words of more than two syllables? Do you not know what 'syllable' means? Are you sick of being taken advantage of because of your stupidity?

Well... you need stupidmatch.com!!!

Our very easy-to-use online dating system lets you find other stupid people from all around the world. It's simple, it's fun and it's FREE! Sign up online today and meet the dud or duddess of your dreams!

  Scribbled by urban creature @ 5:41 pm - [Permanent Link]

At 2:05 pm, Blogger Tammy said...

Where were these sites when i was youg(er) and single


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