urban creature: The day I married Mark Latham

Wednesday, August 11, 2004
The day I married Mark Latham
Yes, I married Mark Latham. It was a simple affair at Federation Square attended by half a dozen Democrats, some curious onlookers and the media. I was, of course, wearing a John Howard mask and the mock wedding went more along the lines of a protest rather than a real wedding.

You can read more about the event here on Jess's blog. AAP have written an article about it, and I expect that the Melbourne queer papers will have us (me and Stephen, aka Mark Latham) on the front cover.

This is the first time (and possibly the last time) that I will be a groom - considering I'm gay and considering the changes to the Marriage Act Howard and Latham are proposing. I best send my mother a photo from the occasion.

  Scribbled by urban creature @ 9:32 pm - [Permanent Link]


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