urban creature: Behind the scenes at a media circus

Saturday, July 31, 2004
Behind the scenes at a media circus

My friend Jess launched the Australian Democrat's Youth Poll today with Senators Natasha Stott-Despoja and Andrew Bartlett at Luna Park. I was there giving Jess some moral support, and behaving like an "interested young person" for the cameras. I also took some photos of the occasion - some of which are above.

Channel Ten showed up in the form of a 22yo (spunky) reporter and his camera man. He interviewed Natasha, Jess and Andrew about young people, their opinions and about urging them to register to vote. They did a number of shots of walking with young people, and talking with young people - with rides in the background and screaming kids everywhere. They even got shots of Andrew and Jess eating fairy floss and riding on the carousel.

It's interesting to see media at work behind the scenes - particularly when you know the participants and are privy to their concerns and opinions. However, this observer thinks it went well and looks forward to seeing the report on the news very soon.

And Billy was there too (see photo above). Billy is an avid journalist and took the opportunity to interview Jess himself - a transcript should appear on here soon. Watch this space!

  Scribbled by urban creature @ 4:21 pm - [Permanent Link]

At 11:50 pm, Blogger Ari Sharp said...

It seems like it was a launch that went very smoothly. From the photos that Billy, or is it Aaron?, showed, it looks like a fun event, with plenty of eye-candy - and I'm not referring to the 10 reporter - to make the evening news, and Andrew and NSD in good form. What more could a launch ask for?

Good luck with Youth Poll '04, BTW, for those working behind the scenes. Though the usage of the outcome may be limited, the process and the involvement of under 25s in civic participation makes it worthwhile.


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