urban creature: Family's First Preference

Saturday, September 25, 2004
Family's First Preference
The Greens are jumping up and down on their high horse again, this time over the Democrat's preference deal with Family First. Andrew Bartlett makes a few remarks on his blog.

There's so much I could say, but suffice to say that the Greens got rid of the Democrats' Vicki Bourne from the Senate in NSW by, among other things, preferencing an Abolish Child Support candidate ahead of the Democrats.

I would personally like to add that if the Greens had preferenced the Democrats second like they should (seeming as we're most alike policy-wise), the Dems wouldn't need to be seeking to maximise their micro-party preferences. When the Greens stop pretending they have the land rights to the moral high ground, maybe they might be a suitable party to hold the balance of power.

  Scribbled by urban creature @ 1:50 am - [Permanent Link]

At 3:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's as simple as this: the Democrats prefer Family First and the Greens prefer Abolish Child Support.

That's democracy.

Live with it.

Find some policies instead - quit bagging the other guy - you (the Demos) are better than that!

PS: Love ya.

PPS: Abolish Child Support? - yeah right good one.


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