urban creature: Elections bring out the worst in people

Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Elections bring out the worst in people
For those who are involved in the political system on some level beyond simply voting, you have no doubt ponded this thought. Vicious pre-selections. People chucking hissy fits about the wording on campaign material. Preference deals gone wrong. Dirt sheets. Backstabbing.

Democracy, in its modern guise, has certainly brought out the worst in people.

Elections should be taken seriously but not too seriously. Too many people have spent entire elections on too little sleep, too little sex just to participate in the country's largest game of roulette. And I'm not just talking about the candidates.

So send out your media releases, shake those babies and kiss those hands but remember that in the end the bad guy always wins, and even if they don't, the good ones will sell you out faster than parents can throw their children overboard.

  Scribbled by urban creature @ 11:07 pm - [Permanent Link]


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